Securing Mobile and Electronic Devices
Read this primer from the Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC) about using mobile devices abroad.
Back up your phone’s contact information and photos.
Enable screen-lock and timeout functions on your cell phone and other electronic devices.
Disable the “remember me” function on your devices for any pages that you visit often. (While abroad, manually enter your username and password.)
Enter your on-site address and cell phone number in your MyStudyAbroad account.
A functioning cell phone is a necessity abroad. Travelers generally have three options available to them. Research the best option for your destination.
- Add international calling to your current cell phone plan.
- Purchase a regional SIM card for your cell phone.
- Purchase a loaner or “burner” cell phone that works in your destination country.
During Travel
Disable your Bluetooth and WiFi when you are not using them.
Make sure no one is watching you when entering passwords or sensitive data.
Continue to routinely update your devices.
Change your passwords upon return.
After returning to your home, change the passwords on all of the accounts you accessed while abroad.
Use strong passwords.
See UW-Madison Information Technology’s How To Select, Manage & Protect Your Passwords for details.
Do NOT solely rely on Wi-Fi for your communication needs.
If you find yourself in an emergency, you may need a functioning cell phone immediately.
Learn how to recognize secure websites.
Find out how by reading UW-Madison IT’s Two Things To Look For In A Secure Website.
Try a URL Checker to test unknown URLs before visiting them:
Other Cyber and Digital Security Resources
- OSAC Best Practices While Traveling Abroad with Mobile Devices
- U.S. Customs & Border Patrol Information on Inspection of Travelers’ Electronic Devices
- Security in a Box - Digital Security Tools & Tactics
- How to Call Abroad
- Country Calling Codes
- Financial and Data Security
- Preventing Financial Scams and Fraud Brief
- International Calling Guidance - Verizon