International insurance is like packing the right shoes. It is indispensable to your well-being abroad...and costs less than buying a new pair of shoes.


CISI Annual Coverage

Cultural Insurance Services International (CISI) provides insurance coverage, claims benefits, and travel, technical, and medical assistance to over 150,000 students studying abroad each year!

All UW-Madison students, staff, and faculty traveling abroad for university-affiliated travel or under a university-sponsored program are required to enroll in Cultural Insurance Services International (CISI) insurance coverage. 

Enroll in CISI Insurance

Cultural Insurance Services International (CISI)

Cultural Insurance Services International (CISI) helps UW support students and employees abroad in times of need. The insurance is required for all UW-Madison students and employees traveling abroad on university-affiliated travel. CISI will make direct payments to providers and serve as a liaison with clinical staff on the beneficiary’s behalf.

CISI offers 24-hour worldwide assistance, 7 days a week, 365 days a year to help support students and employees across a spectrum of needs ranging from the relatively minor — such as help replacing a lost passport — to the more complex — such as identifying reputable medical specialists and providing emergency evacuation. Through its contracted partners, CISI has a medical staff that can translate across language and cultural barriers to help beneficiaries in need and provide seamless payment to ensure uninterrupted care.

UW-Madison’s Division of Business Services provides more details on CISI insurance.

Faculty and Staff Coverage

Effective January 1, 2022, enrollment in CISI International Health Insurance coverage is mandatory for all University of Wisconsin–Madison faculty, staff employees, and agents traveling abroad for the purpose of university-related business and/or educational programs. This is required pursuant to a joint memorandum from the UW–Madison Provost’s Office and the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration. CISI policies can be purchased by UW employees for immediate family dependents as well.

CISI enrollment for employees is considered a necessary and allowable expense.

For information on benefits or how to enroll in CISI coverage, contact UW-Madison’s Risk Management Office at 608-262-8926 or see International Health Insurance.

Student Coverage

Under UW System Administration (UWSA) policy, all University of Wisconsin-Madison students studying/traveling abroad for university-affiliated travel or under a university-sponsored program are required to enroll in CISI. Students traveling abroad through UW-Madison’s International Academic Programs (IAP) or the Worldwide Internship Program (WIP) for credit will automatically be enrolled in CISI. Contact your sponsoring program for more information.

Students who are traveling abroad independent from IAP or WIP, such as graduate student researchers, should visit the Division of Business Services website for information on how to enroll in CISI. CISI policies can be purchased by UW students for immediate family dependents as well.

Sampling of CISI Benefits and Services:

  • 24-hour Emergency Assistance services staffed with multilingual representatives
  • Fully assisted emergency evacuation and repatriation
  • Payment guarantees issued to overseas hospitals in several languages
  • Direct access to overseas provider network via CISI Emergency Assistance Center
  • Coordination with educational programs to arrange direct-pay relationships with medical providers in top destinations
  • Claim payments issued from CISI offices in several foreign currencies
  • In-house staff to serve as beneficiary’s liaison in the event of a medical or legal crisis
  • Online enrollment for additional independent travel
  • Security Evacuation Benefit covering both political unrest events and natural disasters
  • Coverage for traveling faculty and staff at student rates
  • Drug Translation Tool
  • On-line Provider Network of over 12,000 doctors and hospitals in over 85 countries
  • Zero Deductible, Home Country Coverage
  • Pre-existing allowance